Directions to Chase Steakhouse

How to find us

Opening hours
Monday - Saturday | 18:00 - 23:00
Every Wednesday | Cocktail Happy Hour

Directions to Chase Steakhouse

How to find us

Opening hours
Monday - Saturday | 18:00 - 23:00
Every Wednesday | Cocktail Happy Hour

Chase Bar und Steakhouse Eingang

How to find us:


Chase Steakhouse
Bockgasse 3
97070 Würzburg

Directions by public transportation

The Chase Steakhouse is centrally located in the city center of Würzburg.
The best way to reach us is by public transportation. If you are coming from the train station, you can take streetcar lines 1, 3, 4 or 5 and get off at the "Neubaustraße" or "Rathaus" stop. The Chase Steakhouse is just a few minutes' walk from both streetcar stops.


The nearest parking garages to the Chase Steakhouse are the "CONTIPARK Parkhaus Franziskanergasse" and the "Tiefgarage Wöhrl". From both parking garages it is only a few minutes' walk to the Chase Steakhouse.

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What you can expect from us:

Essen im Chase

Full of flavor

From rib eye and fillet to rump steak, our focus is on meat. But there are also changing dishes for vegetarians on our daily menu.

Leidenschaft im Chase


It defines our CHASE, because it describes how much respect, responsibility and heart(-blood) we put into our work as a restaurant and bar.

Höchste Qualität


We make sure that our meat has an excellent origin, as this is the only way we can guarantee a high-quality taste.

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Dienstag - Samstag | 18:00 - 00:00 Uhr


Bockgasse 3

97070 Würzburg


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